It is a sunny and cold day in November where the beauty of nature is breathtaking and I have taken photographs of nature in the field opposite where I live. I have taken the shots against a sketchbook page, with the idea of making the the photographic image a more conscious construction and approximation of reality. The images are in small square squares, a photographic format often favoured today. The textures, colours and cast shadows become more obvious. I am going to take some more shots against graph paper and wonder how this will alter reading of the images, will they appear more to a more scientific or measured?

January 2020. I return to the field watching each day in the hope that the land will recover from intensive farming. Left fallow it is barren, a few weeds struggling to survive. I see no deer, birds or hares. Desolation. But it will be revived and the field will live as a small nature park.


March 2020 - Lockdown. Pathways are appearing, we are venturing into and reclaiming the space of the field.

April 2020. Lockdown - I revisit the field and walk the perimeter almost daily, I notice the increasing mix of diverse vegetation bursting forth and I wonder what others walking the field observe.

July 2020 - Lockdown continues. I visit the field regularly and notice how the path evolves through the seasons. The well trodden path has been lost to the growth of vegetation and we are being prevented from easily walking the land. Nature seems to be fighting back and providing sites for the wild like to blossom.

The field that has not been farmed is rich in life with red kites flying overhead and a red deer sprung from the copse.